brave new world nones Some drugs dull, stupefy and sedate. Others sharpen, instigate and intensify. After taking soma, one can app bently purge pleasantly off to sleep. Bernard Marx, for instance, takes four tablets of soma to pass outside(a) a long plane journey to the Reservation in New Mexico. When they arrive at the Reservation, Bernards companion, Lenina, swallows half a railway yard of soma when she begins to tire of the Wardens lecture, with the result that she could now sit, serenely not listening, thinking of nothing at all. Such a response suggests the users sensibilities are numbed rather than heightened.
In BNW, people downslope back to soma when they feel depressed, angry or get down meddlesome negative thoughts. They take it because their lives, like society itself, are countermand of spirituality or higher meaning. Soma keeps the macrocosm favorable with their lot. Soma also shows physiological tolerance. Linda, the Savages mother, takes too often: up to twenty grammes...If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, pose it on our website:
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